Our experienced staff is committed to providing knowledge and answers to better care for your pets


Tick season is upon us. Not only are ticks nasty little creatures that suck blood, but they transmit several different diseases. Most people are familiar with Lyme Disease in this area. Dogs get Lyme too. They are also susceptible to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and...

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Why Preventive Care is Important for Dogs

Remember the old adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” Those wise words directly relate to the healthcare of our pets. Avoiding illness is always better than treating it, so let’s explore ways to “prevent” rather than “cure.” How often should my...

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Acupuncture – What You Need to Know

What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is the insertion of small needles into specific points and depths on the body to alter the body’s biochemical and physiological properties primarily through stimulation of the central nervous system to cause a desired healing effect....

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Chiropractic Medicine

The science of Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapy - VSMT is based upon using spinal manipulation to restore full and pain-free range of motion to joints. It includes all procedures where the hands are used to mobilize, adjust, stimulate or otherwise influence the...

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Dog & Cat Vaccinations, What to Know

Vaccinations help keep your animals healthy and happy. At Arnold Pet Station we follow the American Veterinary Medical Association's recommended vaccine protocol for this area of the country. Because we are geared to care for your individual pet, we don't prescribe to...

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