While a thorough physical exam provides valuable insights into your pet’s health, it cannot fully assess organ function. To address this, veterinarians often recommend additional diagnostics, such as bloodwork, especially for older pets or when abnormalities are noted. Routine health screenings provide crucial information that helps uncover potential health concerns in their earliest—and most treatable—stages. A simple blood draw offers a wealth of essential data, allowing us to monitor ongoing health and identify early warning signs of problems. 

At Arnold Pet Station, we offer comprehensive Health Screens that include the following tests to ensure a thorough baseline at your pet’s wellness visit:

Complete Blood Count (CBC):

  • Purpose: Examines your pet’s blood cells to give a comprehensive view of their overall health. 
  • What It Reveals: Elevated white blood cell counts may indicate an infection, while low red blood cell counts can point to anemia or other underlying issues.

Blood Chemistry Profile:

  •  Purpose: Provides a snapshot of your pet’s health by evaluating organ function, electrolyte balance, and blood sugar levels. 
  • What It Reveals: Abnormalities may indicate issues with the liver, kidneys, or endocrine system. 

Heartworm Test:

  • Purpose: Screens for the presence of heartworms, a serious threat to dogs.
  • What It Reveals: Early detection is critical for preventing heartworm disease from progressing to a life-threatening stage. 

Feline SNAP® Test:

  • Purpose: Screens cats for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) antibody, feline leukemia virus, and feline heartworm. 
  • What It Reveals: This three-in-one test enhances feline health care by identifying common infectious diseases. 

Fecal Test:

  • Purpose: Detects intestinal parasites in your pet. 
  • What It Reveals: Identifies worms (such as hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms) and microscopic parasites (such as Giardia or Coccidia). Some parasites can also be infectious to humans.

Have any questions or want to schedule your pet’s wellness exam? We’re happy to help! You can contact us here or request an appointment online.